Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday morning, you sure looked fine

A few morning links to get you through a Monday morning. First, however, some sad news: George Carlin -- one of the more influential comedians of our time -- died today at 71. His Seven Words routine -- which we will link to but not show for profanity-based reasons (I'm told my mother reads this blog on occasion) -- remains one of the great monologues in recent American history.

And with that, we're off.
-- Roundtable roundup: 3rd Saturday in Blogtober is there. Worth noting: of the blogs that participated this time around, nearly all of them wished for Derrick Thomas to come back. And with good reason.
-- Some Clemson-related links:
  • SMQ examines the Tommy Bowden Phenomenon. Are his teams underachievers? Overachievers? And is this the year they finally -- finally -- live up to the potential "the media" set for them?
  • Up State Today has a list of questions Clemson must answer. Incidentally, the S-O-N in Clemson stands for "Chivalry, Honor and Knowledge." That's a joke, see, because ... never mind.
  • Caps has the skinny on the game itself. His verdict: tough, but winnable, which describes 8 of the 12 games on the schedule, but I digress. Scroll down to the commentary section and you'll note Cappy has attracted the attention of a few 14-year-old Auburn fans who have nothing to do with school being out. Part of the gig, dude -- garbage attracts flies.
-- In case you didn't hear, Mark Teixeira decided to show up for yesterday's game. Of course, we're all happy to see him. The season actually started in April, but ... ya know, just get here when you can. We're posting the video of the Mark T song to commemorate the occasion.

-- Finally, and I normally don't tout my own stuff through this site, but here's my column from Sunday, an attempt to delineate the ridiculous perception of media bias over everything.


1 comment:

  1. In case anyone needs reminding:

    Clemson is a redneck school
    Do da, do da
    Clemson is a redneck school
    Oh, da do da day
    Oh, da do da dee
    Oh, da do da day
    Clemson is a Redneck school
    Just like U-G-A
