Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday links

I had big plans for the weekend, of course -- housework, maybe a comprehensive post about why my alma mater failed to win a state championship during my old head coach's tenure. Of course, none of them worked out.

This is a monumental week, as you know -- and as Creg points out at CC -- because it's basically the last week with no football-related anything going on. And since I'll be out of town during next week's Media Days -- going to NYC for my second wedding anniversary -- we at the Party will attempt to be extra vigilant in providing as much preview material as possible.

Starting with this Monday's links.
-- First, a story that's a couple days old: Stabler takes a "leave of absence" from the radio booth. Probably the best thing for all parties -- if Stabler had tried to come back to the booth this fall, it would've been like that NBA Finals that Marv Albert called right after the "biting" incident, just awkward and embarrassing for everybody. And Alabama doesn't need any more of that at this point.
-- More in the ongoing war between Michigan and Alabama bloggers: RBR defames Brian Cook. We've said this before, and will continue saying it, but the issue of over-signing is an offseason issue that almost always resolves itself, and one that will almost certainly be forgotten once practice starts.
But yeah, B. Cook is bad at life.
-- The best Auburn blog in the business, for those who don't know, is the Joe Cribbs Car Wash. Today he proves it again, with his impassioned defense of SEC scheduling.
-- Why will Georgia win the title? Mark Bradley has more. Personally, I don't see it happening -- the schedule's too tough, Mark Richt's teams have a history of folding when the expectations are too high (see 2004) and I think Peter von Herrmann will be praying with all his soul that they trip and fall multiple times. That's too many strikes against them, says I.
-- Your requisite MMQB: Peter King talks about the Favre issue. Can we page Bart Styes to give us more here? We need the input of a Green Bay fan (but we'll settle for the spouse of one).
-- Finally, some baseball: Norman Chad whines about Nats Park, and Jayson Stark hands out midseason awards.


1 comment:

  1. You want a more well thought out response? Shannon and I can e-mail you one you can post. But short answer from your resident Cheeseheads: there is no short answer! There is no good answer! What we have is a Delorian ready to gun it to 88 mph so we can go back, beat the Giants and make it to the Super Bowl. Then we're not talking about this right now....
