Monday, September 8, 2008


First things first: coach Saban called every error from the Tulane game "correctable." Let's hope so — having Andre Smith on the field would be helpful, obviously (he's currently listed as day-to-day).

And with that, we're back with a healthy Monday edition of links.
— For starters, one of the positives from Saturday: Javy Arenas got tabbed SEC Special-Teams Player of the Week. Alabama will definitely need him healthy if they're going to win any of their bigger games in the meat of the conference schedule.
— Now on to the game itself: BSR has comprehensive looks at the offense and the defense from Week 2. Interestingly, the biggest difference from Week 1 to Week 2 on defense was number of plays — per-play averages from Tulane and Clemson were exactly the same (3.9). But Clemson's offense was rarely on the field, while the Green Wave O spent the bulk of its time out there.
— I've mentioned this before, but the best Auburn blog I've run across thus far is the Joe Cribbs Car Wash, which should always get hits just based on its name. Anyway, he's got a comprehensive look at Auburn from Saturday, in case you were curious.
I've said it before and I'll continue saying it: Auburn and 'Bama both look salty on defense, and both appear to be well-coached. The offenses for both teams remain the wild card. We'll see.

— Because it's Monday, here are a few staples for me:
• Dr. Saturday examines fan bases on the collective ledge.
• Norman Chad examines the English language in Couch Slouch.
• Finally, Peter King goes through Week 1 of the NFL with MMQB. Hey, did you hear Tom Brady is hurt? No, seriously! The quarterback from the Patriots! Apparently, he's pretty good.


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