Monday, November 3, 2008

links for this week's Game of the Century

We can be assured of a few things in this life. One of them is that ESPN will relentlessly promote whichever games it carries or welcomes its Gameday crew for the week.
So there's no need to be-labor the point about how huge Saturday afternoon in Death Valley — that's right, coonasses! The game starts at 2:30 and you can suck on it! — will be for both teams. Bristol will remind us as much as it can.

In any case, here are some links to get you in the right frame of mind.
— Nick Saban has already let everyone know where this week's focus should be.
"It's going to be about our players and about our team. I don't care how hard anybody tries to make it about something else, it's not going to be. I'm kind of giving you a little forewarning.
"If somebody wants to get a you-know-what chewing this week, that'll be a good way to get it."
You've been warned. Ian, by the way, has already broken the rule.
— Best. SEC Championship Game. Evar. At
At least, that's what Barnhart says.
— Cecil Hurt goes on and on about the differences between this Alabama team and ones from the past. As Gump 4 Heisman opines:
They look better at everything they did under Shula. They’re better at standing on the sidelines than they were under Shula. They’re better at walking on the field than they were under Shula. They’re better at breathing than they were under Shula. They’re better at being better than they were under Shula than they were under Shula.
— Speaking of Gump, this post is almost a month old, but his "Nick Saban Ramblings" are simply hilarious. And appropriate, given the situation this week.
— Finally, Les Miles is tired of LSU players being all huggy towards Saban.
"Let's only hope that there's a lot of guys that (Saban's staff) brought here and introduced to this university that would be grateful for that opportunity. I certainly understand those things."

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