Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday links: Super Bowl, recruiting and hoop

If there's anything I love more than rainy Monday mornings, it's freezing-cold rainy Monday mornings. In any case, here's a few random things I found this morning which you might find helpful.

— First, the Super Bowl. In keeping with the norm of ridiculous superlatives, Peter King calls this THE GREATEST SUPER BOWL EVAR. Really, Peter. Also, apparently the Super Bowl ads were terrible. I wouldn't know. Also, has an interesting retrospective of 'Bama and the big game, fitting because it's now been 40 years since Joe Namath's famous guarantee.
If you're interested, apparently Springsteen gave a memorable performance at halftime — not the show itself, but this.

On a semi-related note, Derrick Thomas was elected to the Pro Football Hall over the weekend, also. Cecil has the best perspective there. The youtube for that is much better.

— On to hoop: it seems the University's preeminent athletic rep showed up Friday to give the boys a bit of boot, and the guys responded with a win over an (admittedly terrible) UGA team. As an aside, the current UGA interim coach is a guy named Pete Herrmann, a name that sounds suspiciously like a certain minister friend of mine who despises UGA (you may recall his thoughts about the boys from Athens during football season). For posterity's sake, here's an old blog post of his from last year when Herrmann and the 'Dawgs pulled off that improbable SEC tourney title in Ga. Tech's building.
While we're on the subject of UGA & hardwood, Furman Bisher took a break from talking about how awesome things were back in the '50s to report Bob Knight's interest in the vacancy at UGA. Just for the record, Knight at 'Bama probably wouldn't work — we already have a rock-star head coach with a giant ego coaching a different sport. But while we're on the subject of hires that might work, VCU's Anthony Grant checks in with a truly bizarre response to Alabama job inquiries.

— And finally, recruiting: first off, Dr. Saturday gives us Part I and Part II about the validity of recruiting rankings. BSR has a good look at where 'Bama stands with a few days to go before Signing Day; and checks in with UA's class of 2010. Of course it does.

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