Friday, April 3, 2009

drying out on Friday, with links

It's a busy weekend in sports -- already, the Jay Cutler Trade has happened, and we've still got the Final 4 and the opening of baseball season coming up. So let's get to it with some links.

-- I kind of feel for Erik at I really (kind of) do. Erik's an Ole Miss grad stuck living in Birmingham; I was stuck in south Georgia for two years (June '03-June '05) and had to put up with constant barking and giant G flags all over the place.
Unfortunately, this week's imagined offseason "controversy" which he helped fuel with this blog post is almost entirely made-up, as confirmed by a real reporter who took the time to call the recruit in question (in a hilarious foot-note, a follow-up post by Erik poking fun at us Bammers for refuting his story was taken down before I could link to it this morning).
Oh well. Get 'em next time champ.

-- Just how busy is this weekend in Tuscaloosa? Try 10 different athletic events on campus, and that's before we even get to the Blue Angels coming to town. In baseball, Tennessee comes to visit this weekend, and tidesports discusses all the ways both teams are struggling at the moment.

-- As Eight in the Box points out, it's all about football now. Students go to work ordering tickets on Monday, and even Senor CFB is fired up, with this post about SEC coaching salaries not going anywhere.
Other football-related things: Luke Brietzke has notes from Auburn practice, and Andre Smith may just be creeping back into the draft's top 10.

-- In hoops, BH discusses Anthony Grant's decision not to retain Phillip Pearson. Also, Mr. SEC talks about UGA's latest hire.

-- Finally, The Wiz re-visits the Logan Young fiasco. Maybe he wasn't the Devil, after all.

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