Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday afternoon links

Before I begin, I must share a quote from a co-worker of mine. The context: we were discussing those abominable empire waists that have inexplicably become fashionable among women, despite the fact that the untrained observer (me) often mistakes them for maternity wear clothes. My co-worker, Meredith, responded that it has to do with the way the material is "gathered," and that it is possible for it not to look that way and so forth.
Then she gave me this gem:
"I think it's because all designers secretly hate women."
Please feel free to discuss at your leisure. For now, some links:
— We begin in the BlAUgusphere, where Jerry at the JCCW is pretty dry on positive things to write about in regards to Auburn football. So what else is an Aub to do except ... wait, I know: accuse Alabama of cheating (kind of).
Wait, though, Jerry: you didn't mention anything about the Bear being dead! Or Alabama fans gloating over a recruiting national championship! Or how everyone at Alabama is a trust-fund fraternity boy! I feel cheated.
— UGA-related links: Georgia is apparently weighing the possibility of moving its signature rivalry game to the Georgia Dome(?). You figure it out. Dr. Saturday says it's a bad idea. On a semi-related subject, Tony Barnhart argues (correctly) that Erk Russell should be in the College HoF. I lived in south Georgia for two years, and trust me — the man is an institution down there. Also, the Orlando Sentinel has the third-best team in the SEC in 2009 ... and it's not Ole Miss.
— In baseball, Alabama forgot its bats for the first two games in Auburn and dropped the series as a result. Here's the bracket for this week's SEC Tournament, and if you're a Tide fan, you'll be up very late Wednesday trying to catch the final out.
— Note to SEC coaches: Mike Slive hears you, and he wants to hear you no more. Good luck with that one, partner.
— Other Alabama stuff: is asking you for the best all-time tight end; they're also profiling the newcomers, with Kenny Bell today's entry. Meanwhile, RBR gives us a look at a stadium he's seen up close. And Cecil takes a minute to catch up with Anthony Grant. Which isn't easy.
— Who has a real chance to take the BCS title this fall? Mark Schlabach has 6.
— Finally, two general interest links: Olbermann has the story of Vin Scully and the Yankees, and gives us diary entries from "Lost."

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