Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday notes: Webb, Bill Curry and so forth

Just staring at the subject line is funny enough on its own, right?

Today's Derek Webb entry: "Wedding Dress," the most publicized and most controversial song from our boy's first solo album.

Ohbytheway, there's something of a controversy surrounding Webb's new album, detailed here on his Web site. The controversy, as much as anything else, is whether this actually IS a controversy, and not just a well-planned publicity stunt.

A few links to move you through the rest of your Friday:
-- First, the unpleasant: Alabama did indeed announce its intention to appeal the NCAA's ruling from last week, something that, as Cecil said, isn't a huge surprise to anybody who's actually been following the situation. Because OTS is arguably the best 'Bama blogger in the business, he has a (massively) in-depth post on the sanctions from this week. A number of things could have gone terribly wrong with this thing and somehow we dodged all of them. Jeebus.
-- One of the biggest lightning rods this week has been Mal Moore, because he's been the boss through all this. Finebaum, of course, took the biggest step, calling for him to step down in his Tuesday column. And Alabama responded predictably, by figuratively telling him and the rest of the state's press to go suck a lemon.
-- On to actual football: this week we found out that Alabama had solidified its 2010 schedule with a home date against San Jose State, and will play the newly founded football program at Georgia State as well ... which means, yes, a date with Bill Curry. I'm sure when we get closer to it we'll have to read a number of stories on this issue, so I won't belabor the point now.
I will, however, post a cool video from that era of 'Bama football. Be sure to note Curry's terrible sweater in this one. It was a trend.

-- More actual football: Smart Football -- one of my new favorites -- has an exhaustive look at the Gus Malzahn offense. In a nutshell: Gus' offenses will actually run the ball, which is good since that's how this Auburn team is built.
-- The guys at 3sib decided to indulge in a little sado-masochism this week by posting some personal memories of terrible losses, from the Vol and the Tide side. And since I'm into pimping myself for no good reason, here's a similar post I constructed two summers ago -- it pre-dates the Monroe game, but everything else still stands.
(Incidentally, the Monroe game definitely falls into the "this-can't-be-happening" category, easily.)

-- Bama Hoops checks in with an outsider's perspective on the Grant era. Say, did you hear our new coach is already getting some new facilities?

-- Only barely related to sports: the country's best bars, courtesy Redshirt Files; and Jerry gives us a look at how cool soccer can be.

Here's to a quiet, blog-less weekend for all.

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