Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday links at lunchtime

Before we start with this week's version of the links, I feel as though I did poor justice to Trent Richardson's TD run that gave us our first moment of excitement on Saturday.

(h/t: AlabamaGameday)

Onward, then.
— The biggest story coming out of Saturday, of course, is the injury to Dont'a Hightower, and the subsequent speculation as to what we'll do on defense. RBR has the most comprehensive look at how we do that.
My take: Reamer's going to have to stay outside, because he doesn't appear fast enough to play inside. In run defense, he seems perfectly able — in pass defense, though, he looks lost. If we can clear up this situation with Jerrell Harris, then all this discussion may be moot. If.
— Of course, as Chris Low reminds us, all these negative waves are deflecting attention from this: this defense is good.
And really, the team still looks good. Mr. SEC has us #1 in his power ratings, a number of national pundits are showering us with love and even my favorite Auburn blogger couldn't find much negative to say.
Now, just keep thinking about that [negative] and ignore the fact that Greg McElroy has been playing like a man possessed by the demon of Ridonkulously Good Quarterbacking and that the defense just humiliated what was supposed to be one of the most dangerous offenses in the league. That stuff doesn’t matter. It’s just the running thing. (There’s also the “unfortunate year-ending injury to starting LB Donta’ Hightower” thing. Even at Alabama, replacing a ‘backer as good as Hightower is no mean feat, but with the Tide’s 47 scholarship linebackers and a coachbot around to hand-select the cream of the crop, they should be OK.)

It's also worth noting how fortunate we've been thus far, what with all the upsets and such.

— One of my favorite running segments is The Wiz's "Old Media" entry, in which he grabs the front pages of a number of different newspapers, to see what the local reactions look like.
— I went over to EDSBS to find my usual bit of irreverent humor and bawdy analysis, possibly as it relates to Tim Tebow's injury. Instead I found a reserved, very well thought out post with a great perspective. Frankly sir, that's not the EDSBS I know.
(One question that's fair to ask: what the heck was he still doing in the game?)
— Speaking of fans in need of perspective, it's Ole Miss! Mr. SEC thinks the Reb fans should calm down.
— Assorted Aub stuff: Dennis Pillion wonders who on the jumbotron refuses to spell out words during the National Anthem; and a bitter Tennessee fan discusses the respect and admiration he has for the Auburn family.
(And honestly, I feel roughly that way about Tennessee.)

— Two other tidbits from outside football: Demetrius Jemison is injured and done for the year, and the baseball team is starting fall practice in an unfamiliar scenario.


  1. Ugh. That using "thru" instead of "through" bothers me, too. I would raise Cain down there if I were an Aub. (Similarly, our pal Ears Whitworth always uses "tho" in place of "though" on Facebook. For some reason, even though it's Facebook, that bugs the heck out of me. JUST SPELL IT OUT ALREADY!)

  2. Oh, go ahead and admit it. That Tennessee blog post was totally your handiwork, wasn't it? Venting your true feelings through a puke orange outlet. Clever.

    But really, where in the world did you find that?
