Saturday, January 16, 2010

hey guys ...

Just a quick note: we in the 'Bamasphere lost one of our best this weekend: Matt Miller, who you may recognize from the commentary on this blog or from church or camp or one of about 1,000 other places, apparently went home to be with God earlier today. I'll have more later.

Life just ain't fair.


  1. You can find out more about the circumstances on the North Alabama Conference Obituary.

  2. I really can hardly believe this. I hadn't talked with Matt in quite a while, but he's one of those folks I could never forget. I met him for the first time at Mountain TOP when I was on staff there, and I can honestly say he was one of the people who helped me get through one particular week of the summer. I was happy to see him again at Wesley Foundation and to stay in touch with him sporadically in the past few years. We lost one of the good guys today.
