Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Webb, links are back

Been a few weeks since I've posted my requisite links to close out the week. Before we get started, here's a throaty Derek Webb singing "A Savior on Capitol Hill."

And with that, we're off and running for this Friday's batch.
— Because this wouldn't truly be the offseason without some unpleasant news, the university yesterday announced the suspension of safety Robby Green. BSR, as usual, has the skinny.
The rumors in Tuscaloosa at this point make it sound as though the suspension is due to a failed drug test. If you combine that with the carefully worded statement by Coach Saban, it would appear that the failed test was not an in-house one, but rather one administered by the NCAA. If that is the case, by rule Green will miss the 2010 season. He would have the opportunity to continue to work with the team, but would be ineligible to play. Because he would be ineligible, he would not be allowed to use the year as a redshirt; meaning he would be a senior when he was eligible to return to the field in 2011.

— For players no longer at Alabama, here are two links related to Terrence Cody: first, Mel Kiper now projects the big guys as a first-rounder; second, Brian Cook reports that our boy is profiting off his newfound fame. Brian Cook hates Alabama, by the way.
— Other football related links: Gentry looks at some of 2010's most important position battles; Chris Low looks at 2010's toughest nonconference games; and Scarbinsky says it's not football's fault if basketball is lousy. Hey, speaking of hoop ...
— Here's RBR's latest SEC Power Poll. Also, Don Kausler talked to coach Anthony Grant, who says his goal is to have opposing coaches NOT look forward to seeing him. And one more hoop link: Mr. SEC looks at the truth about SEC officiating. Please do not share these figures with people like The WarBlogler, who enjoys living under the illusion that officials are out to get his favorite team.
— Other Alabama related links: Aaron Suttles profiles UA gymnast Morgan Dennis; Tommy Deas talks to catcher Ashley Holcombe; and the key to 'Bama's baseball fortunes in '10 (you'll be shocked): the pitching staff. By the way, our boys are fourth in TCBB's preseason SEC poll.
— Miscellaneous: Dr. Saturday tells you what you need to know about USC's NCAA case; EDSBS has the (hysterical) solution to Ole Miss' mascot problems; Andy Staples advances the radical idea of conference realignment; and, finally, WBE finally says the proper goodbye to Tommy Tuberville.
Our coaching search began the moment we learned Tubby was gone and never cut back to less than full throttle until Chizik was hired. The acrimony and shock of Tubby’s departure meant no one much felt like writing tributes. (I never did.) Vol fans were able to offer their long, impassioned good-byes over the course of weeks; Auburn fans woke up one morning and never saw Tubby again, save for his ESPNU appearances and “Auburn will beat Arkansas by three touchdown” gee-thanks-really predictions. Our good-byes never really got said, did they?
It’s a shame. He deserved them. So, more than a year after the fact, I’m considering this mine.

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