Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday 'tube: SEC calling

This week's version of Tuesday 'tube is focused solely on great Alabama moments in Fayetteville, Ark. We haven't had as much success vs. Arkansas as you might think: since 1998, Alabama has won there exactly twice — 2002 and 2008. And not only that, but strange things seem to happen in Arkansas. In 2000, we played in a driving rainstorm that was ultimately lost on a last-second drive by the Hogs in which a) they were gifted a first down on a fourth-down defensive holding, b) they converted another fourth down because they were playing 12 players at the time (apparently I'm the only one who remembers this). In 2004, Marc Guillon made his first start (first of two, it turned out) at 'Bama, and we ultimately lost by 17 (I actually had to look this up, as I have no memory whatsoever of this game). In 2006, we played well enough to win, only Leigh Tiffin failed to make a kick.

So that leaves us with 2002 and 2008. Enjoy. And here's to better times.

See you tomorrow. Roll Tide.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that 2000 game. It's the only one I didn't attend in person. And although Lee Shelton was making me drink shots of Jagermeister during every timeout (damn peer pressure), I do remember that 12-men-on-the-field non-call.

    Here's to better times, indeed.
