Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuesday tube: an old familiar face

On Thursday, Alabama will play what amounts to a glorified scrimmage against Georgia State, a game absolutely no one would care about, except for the involvement of former Alabama head coach Bill Curry, who compiled a 26-10 record over three seasons in Tuscaloosa.

Storylines you'll undoubtedly hear about: Curry's ability as a recruiter — he was largely responsible for the 1992 national championship team — and his acrimonious three-year tenure, epitomized by some drunk idiot allegedly tossing a brick through his window after a Homecoming loss to Ole Miss in 1988.
Rollbamaroll posted an outstanding assessment of the Curry era in two pieces. The money line:
The biggest problem with Curry was just one of institutional fit. I’ll be frank… for the life of me I’ll never understand why he took the Alabama job. He was a Georgia Tech alum, and he always viewed the Alabama fan base and the university itself with a very open aura of disrespect. The view on his end was always crystal clear: the University of Alabama, its administration, and its fans were fundamentally inferior to Curry and his Georgia Tech background. To that end, Curry treated UA in the same manner than a probation officer would treat one of his juvenile delinquents, and the clashes were inevitable. Again, why did he ever take the job in the first place? As dumb of a decision as it may have been for the UA administration to extend an offer to him, it was an even dumber decision on his end to accept it.

Just keep that in mind when you hear the next story about Curry and the shabby treatment he received from 'Bama fans: he had a losing record in 7 seasons at Georgia Tech, and an equally losing record in 7 subsequent seasons at Kentucky (where he stubbornly stuck with Billy Jack Haskins even though he had Tim Couch on his bench).

Even so, that doesn't mean he didn't give us some memorable moments during the 3 years he worked in T-Town.

1 comment:

  1. best piece on the curry tenure i think was the one from the Tuscaloosa News this preseason. Helped me understand it better since I don't remember it well.
    And I sure didn't remember this - "Things got worse two weeks later when Alabama went on the road and lost to Memphis. The Crimson Tide then won three straight SEC games, including victories over Tennessee and LSU, but closed the year with three straight losses against the worst set of opponents Curry could have chosen: Notre Dame, Auburn and Michigan." That's as bad as a DuBose year.
