Sunday, January 9, 2011

Monday links: so icy, so icy

As I'm typing this, the entire state and region is currently being held hostage by ice on the roadways. I'm not arguing, just pointing it out for the record. It has given me ample opportunity to watch two NFL playoff games ... and wow, is professional football barely watchable. Shouldn't they just change it to flag football? Don't get me started.
It has been strangely enjoyable to see so many SEC guys I recognize in playoff games. In the Baltimore-Kansas City game alone, I saw LeRon McClain, Jarrett Johnson, Terrence Cody, Ben Grubbs, Michael Oher, Javier Arenas, Dexter McCluster, Dwayne Bowe, Tim Castille and ... a bunch of other guys I'm sure I'm forgetting. It's pretty neat.

Anyway, since we're stuck indoors, it seems like the perfect time to update the links file. Hopefully wherever you are you'll be able to read this (meaning you'll have power) either tonight or tomorrow. And if you can't, maybe Miami-Ohio's interim coach can inspire you.

Well, I'm fired up.
— The biggest news of the day in Alabama quarters, of course, is the departure of three Tide juniors: Mark Ingram, Julio Jones and Marcell Dareus. None were a huge shock, and frankly any one of us who had friends with chances to make that much money should encourage them to go, anyway. It's the mark of a healthy program when players of that caliber can leave and it not be considered death or even a terribly serious loss.
Dr. Saturday, of course, asked the question that was begging to be asked: What if he hadn't been forced to split carries for two of his three seasons? He's the subject of a new Daniel A. Moore painting, regardless.

— In links related to next year, the T-News has this story about early signees who have already shown up to campus. Also, Izzy examines the 2011 quarterback battle. As an aside, if you follow our 2009-10 quarterback on Twitter, you may have noted that he's apparently considering getting into broadcast. I bet he'd be awesome at it.

— Our basketball team picked up a big win yesterday at Mississippi State, which involved us actually making a few jumpers and staying in control the whole way. Why is this significant? Well, a) It's our first win away from Tuscaloosa this season; b) State has ruled the SEC West for longer than you think, c) You may not realize this, but the State-Bama basketball series is actually a pretty big rivalry for both teams.
More to the point, if this program is progressing at all in Year 2 with coach Grant, we should be able to make a serious run at first place in this lousy division. Thumping the reigning division overlords at their place is an important step in the right direction. Just keep an eye on things.

— BCS MNC related things: Mike Svetitz is predicting an instant classic; Joe Medley is noting that the game preparation crossed paths with the horrific tragedies in Arizona yesterday; Sally Jenkins is begging the NCAA to reform college football; and Thayer Evans wants you to know the Cam Newton investigation is still open.

— Also, Michigan may be close to hiring Les Miles. That is all.

See you tomorrow, I hope. Roll Tide.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda mentioned the typical "home-court advantage" that's been enjoyed in the Bama-MSU basketball series in Starkville. If that's still in effect at all, rather than just a product of Stansbury's loathing of Gottfried, that makes a win in Starkville even more impressive.
