Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday tube: let's go be champions, boys

Not sure if anybody realizes it, but our basketball team — no, really — has the opportunity to go to Florida tonight (Tuesday) and clinch a share of the SEC regular-season championship. In that spirit, here's what happened the last time we were matched with Florida with the SEC on the line.

Yes, we're going into off a pretty lousy week: a narrow escape vs. Auburn, and an unendingly frustrating loss at Ole Miss on Saturday. And we're going in with a team that can't shoot, and a coach whose game management is a tad ... shaky (and that's being kind).
But you know what? So be it. We're going to war with a chance to win the frigging SEC. And if we're doing it on the road, with a flawed team and an overmatched coach, then we'll do it all the same.

Let's go be champions, boys. Roll Tide.

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