Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday tube: some familiar faces

Many apologies for my disappearing act the past few days — many exciting things happening (too much to recap here for the moment). In any case, Sunday's win by Green Bay over Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl marks the third consecutive season a member of the 2005 Alabama defense earned a ring (Anthony Madison, Roman Harper and now Charlie Peprah). Which is a perfect excuse to show that defense's highlights from 2005 (apologies for the music — I don't soundtrack these things).
Fortunately the video's author had the good sense to leave out that year's Auburn game, if only because I'd like to remember all the good things that happened for that team, and not their failure to show up in the biggest game of the year.
Also, if you're interested in reading more about our championship trio and have a few minutes, read this story from Sunday morning's Birmingham News.

A programming note: I can't promise what I'll be up to the next few days, and thus can't promise what will be posted here during that time period. But I shall try to have something new before week's end.

Thanks as always, and Roll Tide.

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