Tuesday, August 26, 2008

dance to the music ...

I know I'm a little late to the party with this one, but seriously, tell me this one doesn't get you at least a little fired up.

And, courtesy of RBR and youtube, we now have the perfect duo to replace Snake in the booth.

Seriously, the mere thought of those guys sharing a booth with Eli Gold makes me want to start sobbing with joy.

A few more links for the day ...
— Clemson DC implies Alabama's paying recruits, then has to be rescued by his boss and his own retraction, perhaps at least partially explaining why coaches like Nick Saban don't let their assistants talk to the press. Confused? Well, Creg has the story.
— Senor CFB talks about the new deal with ESPN, in the process holding out hope that the WWL will retain the 3 Daves as part of its broadcast team. I maintain that this is a perfect opportunity to try out my groundbreaking idea: sending no announcers to cover the game and allowing people to listen to the stadium sounds. But they probably won't do that.
— Tidesports has the story of Alabama's freshmen, including some eye-opening quotes from Antoine Caldwell about Terrence Cody, official mascot of the DP.
(Note: Remember when last season started spiraling out of control, and coach Saban started making off-hand references to "the people who want to do it the right way" being here and those who didn't not being here? In a related story, Alabama's 2008 two-deep features 14 freshmen. Yeah.)
— Smart Football previews the Clemson game.
— Auburn-related links: the AP says coach Tubs won't name a starter until ... actually he won't name a starter at all; Track 'Em previews Auburn's opener, complete with the requisite billboard shot. Is it embarrassing to link such an article? Yes, but those guys earned it, so let them gloat.
— Speaking of Track 'Em, a new Web site launched today: AlabamaFB.com. No word yet on what all it will offer, but the possibilities are enticing.
— Since it's a Tuesday in the fall, here's a TMQ link. Sweeeet.


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