Monday, August 25, 2008

it's game week ...

It's a game Monday. Even if it doesn't feel like it — the bizarre tropical storm that seemingly formed two months ago has given everything a glum, surreal feel — it is a game week: a partial slate on Thursday, followed by a full prep schedule on Friday, followed by a full college schedule (and our rockin' kickoff party) on Saturday. Hard not to get excited, as Picture Me Rollin' eloquently elucidates in today's post.
Right here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and right now, the first week of the college football season I believe that I am the person I am truly intended to be. The first game is three days away and the first time that my beloved Crimson Tide takes the field is still some 129 hours away and yet, at 5:50 this morning I jumped out of bed with a start - ready to get the day begun in order that it may be done and I would be 24 hours closer to my treasure.
With that in mind, we're going to change up our schedule on a weekly basis — at least, we're planning to do that. By Week 3, I may give it up. But we'll see.
For now, I'm planning to have links Monday and Tuesday; youtube related to that week's game(s) on Wednesday; weekend lines (and possibly picks) on Thursday; we'll keep "Lost" thoughts on Friday; maybe some live-blogging on Saturday (whenever possible); and finally, a weekend recap on Sunday.
As I said, that's the goal. It may not work out that way, but we'll try.

And with that in mind, here are some links for today.
— For those who haven't heard, ESPN and the SEC today announced the end of the Jefferson-Pilot era in Southeastern Conference football. EDSBS has the skinny on what happened, and how much we'll miss the Dave, Dave & Dave combo when it's no longer a part of our lives. Capstone, however, says the new deal is good for recruiting.
— RBR tells the story of Nick Fanuzzi's transfer. Easy to see it coming, I guess.
— Rap has the tale of Alabama's best fan: Randall "Putter" Burcham. Interestingly, Burcham used to write for us at Dateline Alabama — I still remember having to read him the riot act for ripping quotes out of a different article for his column and failing to give proper attribution.
— Finally, BSR gives us the Week 1 depth chart. The actual depth chart ... aight?


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