Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Lost" Friday: before we go forward, one more look back

It's fortunate, perhaps, that there are people much more dorky about ABC's "Lost" than I am -- not only does it make me feel less like a dweeb, but it's given me material for the interminably long wait between the final episode of Season 4 and the premiere of Season 5 (scheduled for Wednesday).
(This seems like the right time to mention how ready I am for this premiere in light of the utterly disappointing and predictable premiere of "24" on Sunday & Monday. Is this show written by Mark Gottfried and his assistants? There's just way too much unrealized potential here. I can't discuss it anymore.)

Anyway, before we move on to Season 5, here's a comprehensive look at the death of each deceased character in Seasons 1&2, Season 3 and Season 4.

As always, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.

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