Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday tube: Is it time already?

Editor's note: I tried for the entire weekend to come up with a cogent post about the ongoing horror show in State College, Pa. But I can't do it; everything I tried to write seemed to either minimize the tragedy or fall short of what it should've been. So, unlike the Paterno family, I've decided to keep my mouth shut and attempt to move on with life. As with the shooting in Auburn last month, I'm not ignoring it, but I also can't do anything about it. So we're going to continue with business as usual here, as much as we can. Hope that's OK with everybody.

I'm not sure how — maybe I've been wasting too much time sitting in front of this machine — but somehow SEC Media Days snuck up on me this year.
It's exciting, of course, to have football back in our lives — even if Media Days is just a giant circus in which people are asked about inappropriate topics, among the most boring questions anyone can think of. It means practice starts soon. So here's the best "Alabama in 2012 hype" video I could find. Please to enjoy.

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