Wednesday, May 14, 2008

wednesday youtube ...

Hearkens back to my last days as a wrestling fan.

Now ... what's the best part of this video? Is it the fact that neither of these guys has even one move (Goldberg's got his finisher, and that's really all ... and Hogan ... well, Hogan's old)? Is it Tony Schiavone's grinding skills as an announcer? Or, is it the fact that Karl Malone shows up to execute the diamond cutter for no apparent reason?
I'll let you decide.



Anonymous said...

The video totally rocks. I loved Goldberg. Brings back memories of actually spending money to rent the Halloween Havoc in 1998 to watch Goldberg. When he came down the ramp spewing out smoke...dude that's entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Goldberg was the bomb. Love the video. Brings back memories of renting Halloween Havoc for my kids so they could watch Goldberg whup up on Diamond Dallas Page. When he sucked that smoke in and blew it out...dude that's some entertainment right there.

whitheath said...

I would just like you to notice that Malone's jeans are skin tight. How the heck did he do that and not rip 'em? As a man who rips a lot of jeans, he should've ripped those jeans there. Wonder what they're made of?

bobbyjack said...

Schiavone is currently working as the morning sports guy on WSB radio in the ATL. He sucks at that too.

I'll never understand Goldberg's popularity. The guy couldn't wrestle, had no mic skills, and lacked a personality. At least Hogan at one time had some good catch phrases for the kids.